Tuesday, July 21, 2020
Questions RE Agents are Asked
Questions RE Agents are Asked 10 Most Common Questions Real Estate Agents are Asked Real estate agents are hired for their knowledge and expertise, so theyâre used to fielding lots of questions from customers and clients. Smart agents know the most common questions people ask, and they prepare great answers. Click To Tweet When youâre talking to customers, you confidently answer their questions in the hopes of getting hired. When youâre representing people in a transaction, clients will lob questions at you via phone, email, and text at all hours. .simple_slider p{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:18px; line-height:22px} .simple_slider h3{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px} .simple_slider h3 a{font-family:'Roboto',sans-serif; font-size:32px; text-decoration:none; color:#fff} .simple_slider .onecolor{background-color:#550073;} .simple_slider .purple{background-color:#cb391a} .simple_slider .purple2{background-color:#331259} .simple_slider .pink{background-color:#dc311f} .simple_slider .green{background-color:#85ad05} .simple_slider .green-dark{background-color:#556409} .simple_slider .orange{background-color:#e1640f} .simple_slider .brown{background-color:#602817} .simple_slider .blue{background-color:#002a89} .simple_slider .cyan{background-color:#03628e} .simple_slider .dorange{background-color:#ed1b24} .simple_slider .black{background-color:#0f0801} .simple_slider .gray{background-color:#525759} .simple_slider{width:100%; 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Smart agents know the most common questions people ask, and they prepare great answers. When youre talking to customers, you confidently answer their questions in the hopes of getting hired. When youre representing people in a transaction, clients will lob questions at you via phone, email, and text at all hours. Get you best answers ready now. 1. Whats the basic home buying-selling process? Lay out the steps in a typical sale from the sellers and the buyers perspectives, especially for first-time homebuyers. Also, have printed buyers and sellers guides to offer. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 2. How much can I get for my house? This is one of the main reasons sellers hire agents. Wise agents arrive at the listing presentation with information on homes in the area, the local real estate market, and recent sales prices of similar properties. They are prepared to offer a price range based on a CMA and suggestions for price-boosting improvements. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 3. How much house can I afford? Buyers will need to establish a price range early before they start looking for a house. Recommend getting pre-approved for a loan. This narrows the home search, helps buyers stay realistic, and it makes sellers take them seriously. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 4. Whats your fee? The best answer is its negotiable, but your brokerage firm may have a percentage of the sale price they usually charge. Some agents may be willing to budge a little on the fee to get the client. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 5. How do you market property? Explain your processes for attracting buyers including multiple listing service, flyers, and web marketing. Summarize the basic firm policies for showings and open houses. Emphasize your skills at internet marketing, mention a few techniques youve used, and show examples of successful materials. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 6. Whats your specialty? Do you focus on representing buyers or sellers? Do you have lots of experience in specific types of property? Are you an expert on a certain neighborhood? Buyers and sellers want to know that theyre hiring most qualified agent for their unique needs. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 7. How should I prepare? Buyers will want to know what they should do to get ready to buy a house, like getting their finances in order and paying down debt. Sellers want to know what they need to do to get their house ready to show, such as repairs, upgrades, and staging. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 8. Is a home inspection really necessary? Getting a home inspection beforehand can save money later and help identify major condition problems. The seller may not know everything about the property. Having the major systems checked out will reduce stress. Buyers can also negotiate to have the seller complete certain repairs the inspector recommends before closing. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 9. Can I back out of a contract if I change my mind? Buyers could lose their earnest money if they back out. But inspection contingencies allow them to back out in the case of an unsatisfactory home inspection. And with an appraisal contingency, they could withdraw if the appraised value is significantly less than the selling price. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com 10. What are the costs of buying/selling a house? Sellers will want to know the costs of selling their house. Common costs include improvements and repairs, title fees, escrow fees, state excise tax, county recording fee, and pro-rated property taxes. Buyers want to know how much earnest money and down payment they can expect. 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com Prepare to handle all aspects of property sales and client representations with convenient online training from 360training.com. Get the real estate continuing education you need in just a few clicks. Enroll today! http://www.realtor.com/advice/buy/top-questions-home-buyers-ask-realtors/ http://www.inman.com/2015/12/08/10-questions-real-estate-agents-should-expect-from-homebuyers-and-sellers/ http://www.livingwellseattle.com/sellers/faq 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com /360training.com/blog /company/360training /360training /360training 2018 360training.com | 888-360-8764 | https://www.360training.com
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