Sunday, May 31, 2020

How to Avoid the Job Search Rut

How to Avoid the Job Search Rut I believe that everyone has their own “nightmare career” â€" a job that would turn their life into a living hell. Personally, I think mine would be a DJ at a classic rock radio station. Classic rock DJs have access to three or more decades of some of the best music ever made but what do they play? A mind-numbingly boring selection of seven or eight bands, one or two songs from each, repeated over…and over…and over…and over. Never any variety, even from bands that made several albums’ worth of great material. For some reason, their program directors think that listeners want to hear the same songs repeated ad infinitum. So they’re forced to sit in a studio, day after day, listening to the same songs until it drives them insane. I feel as though some job seekers fall into this same pattern, especially those who are in the early stages of their career. When I was a job seeker, I tended to look for jobs in the same places over and over, even after months of dismal results, simply because those were the avenues I was familiar and comfortable with. It’s comparable to searching for something you lost in a place you know you didn’t lose it, simply because the light is better there. It’s easy to lose focus on the big picture, instead opting to continue with the same routine as you’ve done it all along (are you hearing me, classic rock DJs?). Let’s explore some ways of not falling into a job search rut: Job Boards: Job boards are usually a job seeker’s first stop. Depending on your industry, general job sites like CareerBuilder or Monster can be great resources for starting your search, posting your resume and getting an idea of the current demand in your field. But this should only be the first step. The next should be to search out niche job boards in your industry. It’s rare you’ll find a career field that doesn’t have at least one dedicated industry website that both job seekers and employers can use to apply to or post open positions in the field. If you’re an industry veteran, you’re probably well-acquainted with these sites. If you’re a first-time job seeker, run a few searches for niche job boards in your targeted field and apply for any entry-level positions that look promising. Don’t forget to set up job alerts on these sites so that you’ll be notified when a new job is posted that fits your qualifications. Social Media: Hopefully your LinkedIn profile is up to date and you are active on Twitter. A word of advanced warning â€" you shouldn’t wait until you’re looking for a job to become active on social media. The more preliminary work you do in building your network and connecting with people in your industry, the better off you’ll be when your job search is underway. LinkedIn has an extensive list of job postings, and like the job boards, is a good starting point. But when looking for work, don’t overlook LinkedIn groups. Joining a number of groups related to your field of expertise will automatically allow you to contact and converse with hundreds, if not thousands, of professionals who are gainfully employed in the field you are looking to enter. Once you have joined a few groups, make yourself known â€" post content, ask questions. Let others know you are looking for a job, and welcome any input they have on getting your foot in the door. If you are on Twitter, you may be tweeting that you’re looking for a job. But are you truly making an effort to connect with and engage those who can help you? Take the time to run a search using keywords unique to your industry, and follow people with those words in their bio. Then tweet them, direct message them, let them know you are job hunting. As with any site, the more experts in your field you connect with, the more readily available advice and referrals will be on entering the field. Social media has expanded our ability to connect with industry professionals exponentially â€" take advantage of it! READ MORE: How to Kick Off Your Twitter Job Search Network Everywhere: Even if you’re spending most of your day behind a computer sending out resumes, it’s just as important to get out of the house and stay active â€" and while you’re at it, make an effort to meet people! Everybody has a story about someone they know who got the job opportunity of a lifetime through someone they sat next to on a plane or met in line at the grocery store. A personal friend of mine launched a successful music career by meeting a famous band’s manager in a bar. Until you’re employed, you’re a salesman. Your product is yourself, and always be closing! Just like a successful stock portfolio, a successful job search is based on diversification. Put yourself out there and don’t be afraid to explore unchartered territory in your job search, but don’t ignore traditional job search methods in hopes of stumbling upon a lucky break. You never know from which direction an opportunity will arise, so always keep your ear to the ground…and if it’s playing “Free Bird” or “Stairway to Heaven,” keep moving.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Nursing Student Resume and Clinical Experience

Nursing Student Resume and Clinical ExperienceNursing student resume and clinical experience should show your worth as a person with a full schedule of a future nurse. The resume is the first impression of your personality and qualifications. The clinical experience will give you a chance to tell of some of the services that you have provided to patients in the hospitals.There are many practical activities that are involved with working in the hospital setting. You may see patients, observe them, assist in their care, help them adjust to the hospital environment and take care of their medical needs. You may take care of the patient that does not have a family member or friend nearby who can be of help. You may also see emergency cases. Some of these emergency cases will need immediate attention and you will be required to fill in for a busy doctor or physician.If you feel as if your experiences would interest your prospective employer, you should consider taking additional practical experience with you when you interview. This allows you to show that you are a hard worker and can handle the stress that comes with hospital work.A nursing student resume and clinical experience that is devoid of some of these elements could result in you being turned down for employment. You must be realistic with your expectations. You should keep in mind that the job market is very competitive and this job search will take time. That said, don't procrastinate; start right now writing your nursing student resume and clinical experience.This is a young person's dream to one day have a career in the health care field. It takes time to gain the knowledge and experience to develop into a great nurse. You need to build your credentials in order to obtain the job you want. However, you do not want to be overwhelmed and put off your important process by not knowing where to begin.The more you plan out your nursing student resume and clinical experience, the better your chances are of fi nding employment with an employer. The best way to get started is to begin small. Pick up a few of the things that are important to you and then begin from there.Once you have a taste of the undergraduate experience with several clinical situations, pick a few to write about. Write them all down in a notepad and document them with detailed notes. Eventually, you should be able to accumulate a number of clinical experience statements that illustrate your abilities.The nursing student resume and clinical experiences you submit to your potential employers will vary depending on the type of position you are applying for. Some positions require more than one statement. Other jobs may only require one. Any combination of the above may be used to show your career goals.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

How To Survive Being A Fashion Student - Laura Brandon

How To Survive Being A Fashion Student - Laura Brandon Tips On Surviving As A Fashion Student So, as I started writing this post, I thought that it would be just a few little hints on how to survive being a fashion student. However, Im so overwhelmed with ideas for this that Ive decided to do something different with it. So for now, heres my original thoughts, these were things I just typed straight from the top of my head, and I shall let you know in due course what I decided to do with everything else I had planned. Enjoy! Image Credit: Tips On Surviving As A Fashion Student And I am now also on twitter! Follow and tweet me if theres anything else you think I could add to this @misslaurameow 1. Save up, fashion is expensive. And don’t be surprised when you start to put fabric costs and travel before food money. Ahh, sacrifices. 2. Don’t give up on your work. What I learnt on my course at Lincoln is that you have to be prepared to be metaphorically kicked in the face many many times. You will feel like crap, more than likely sew yourself to the machine (I knitted myself, new jumper ruined!), and your work will get slated, you will be told to change it and re-do it many many times. And, speaking from experience, the final critique will be “ why did you change it, it was so much better the first time”. Take deep breaths, have a cocktail, then crack on again. 3. Buy a lot of unpickers. Although you’ll hate using them, they will save your arse many a time. And they always seem to mysteriously disappear. Buy in bulk. 4. Don’t ever let anybody be rude to you. A piece of advice me and many of my friends wish we had taken. Constructive criticism is fine, in fact it’s better to be criticised in this manner than praised. However, being told your work is “offensive and insulting to the viewer”, is not. This was the way one of my best friends was spoken to by a tutor. The reason? Some of her images were a little too big. Don’t ever ever let yourself be put down and degraded like this, remember you are a student and youre still learning Whatever mistake you have made you don’t deserve to be spoken to like this. 5. Realise its not worth spending money on fancy sketchbooks and expensive art equipment. The Works all the way! 6. Subscribe to Vogue and Drapers. Fashion bibles. Enough said. Although do look at other magazines too, change it up a little. 7. Pintrest is wonderful. And I wish I’d discovered it earlier, subscribe to it and find many inspiring images. And if you fancy following mine, here’s the link 8. Learn how to use adobe illustrator. Its difficult but totally worth it. I love using it now, and you can create some amazing effects, and make your work really stand out. Although it will never replace paints and inks for me, it’s good to show a wide range of skills. 9. Keep a scrap book of everything that inspires you, and it can be absolutely anything. This is something I’ve only recently started doing and I really wish I’d done it sooner. __________________________________________________________________________________________ ?? See more of her work on her blog here. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 10

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Three Things to Consider When Changing Jobs

Three Things to Consider When Changing Jobs “I feel sorry for the person who cant get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile.” Walter Chrysler When considering a job offer, many jobseekers focus only on the salary and benefits.   But there’s more to work than what you bring home in your paycheck.   Here are three factors you might not think to consider that can make a big difference in job satisfaction: Big company versus small: There are advantages to both large and small companies, and your job satisfaction can be heavily influenced by company size.   In a small company, you may be asked to “wear several hats,” or pitch in on many projects or tasks that are not strictly in your job description.   The down side to that is that you may prefer to stick to your field of expertise; the up side is that you will gain many new skills, and the confidence to solve any problem.   It’s also very satisfying for some people to be involved in the decision making process, and to be able to go straight to the boss with problems.   In a large company, you will be asked to follow more formal procedures and will probably have a more defined job description; the up side is having more resources and a bigger team to get things done. What is the physical environment like? You’ll be spending more time at work than at home some days, and an uncomfortable or unorganized working environment can wear on you.   Cubicle living means lots of distractions and noise and little privacy â€" not to mention little wall space for art or mementos.   If the open space in the office is run down or cluttered, you may be tempted to hole up in your own office, which could impact your effectiveness.   If the environment seems chaotic while you’re interviewing, don’t be afraid to ask if that day is a typical day.   It’s possible that the office is in the process of reorganizing or remodeling. Who are your customers? It’s common to give careful consideration to your future coworkers when considering a job, but many people forget to consider who they’ll be serving every day.   Classic examples of this oversight come when people enter the medical field.   One physical therapist stated that she loved the idea of helping people, but eventually got worn down by dealing with people in pain every day.   “Many of my clients were severely depressed, and I had trouble maintaining my own mental health after a while,” she said.   Think about whether you’ll be working with very busy people, people under stress, or customers with special needs like the elderly or very young. Do you have a question about career issues or local labor market information?   Email your questions to us, and we’ll try to answer them in our columns.   Email questions to:

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Career Resume Writing - A Small Town in Upstate New York

Career Resume Writing - A Small Town in Upstate New YorkSo you have graduated from college and now you are looking for a career. Now you will need to start on a career resume & writing Amherst NY. The first thing you will need to do is find a professional resume writer who can help you write a resume that will attract the attention of potential employers. After that, you will be off to get your new job!Another great reason to hire an Amherst NY resume writer is that they are able to help you in your search for a job. They will know exactly what skills you have that are needed in the job market. Additionally, they will help you in taking into consideration what types of careers are available. They will also be able to tell you if there are specific skills you should have for a particular job. This can really help you in your job hunt.When you are looking for a career in Amherst, a career resume & writing can help you land the job you are seeking. It is especially important that you ha ve a good one. Once you graduate from college, it is hard to get a job. That is why it is important to get a professional resume written to help you land a job.What kind of person are you when it comes to Amherst? How outgoing are you? How outgoing can you be?Being a great communicator is an excellent way to get noticed. People always look for people that can express themselves through their writing. If you are able to present yourself in a positive manner, you will be more successful at getting a job.Amherst is a small town in upstate New York. The school is very high school oriented. It has been said that students that leave college without working a job or going to school after graduation will be sent back to Amherst. A lot of these students return to Amherst to get that 'fresh air' that they need.Many people also go to Amherst NY to be able to do business. The most common businesses in the town are the Starbucks coffee shop, the Nichols Jewelry Store, and the Golf Club. Of cours e there are a lot of places that people can eat and drink as well. These places attract a lot of people who want to spend some time in Amherst, NY.Everyone is attracted to the area of Amherst and New York. It is just a matter of finding a place where you want to live. Amherst is a great place to live.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Steps To Writing A Resume For Distribution Center Area Manager Positions

Steps To Writing A Resume For Distribution Center Area Manager PositionsThere are many steps involved in writing a resume for distribution center area manager positions. These steps will vary by area manager job role but will almost always include each of the elements listed below.Education and Experience. The most important aspect of a resume is simply that it should be comprehensive, covering all bases. The college coursework done in school is part of your education. For those who worked on a college campus you may need to submit a syllabus that details what classes you took.Many colleges offer online courses in career-related subjects and these can be used to help illustrate your achievements. You should list all of the degrees, honors and professional certifications you hold so that your prospective employer can see that you are serious about the position. Also, verify any professional credentials that you may have and make sure to indicate which of them you hold yourself.Qualifi cations and Experience. This section of your resume will cover those accomplishments that are directly related to the position. Lists that are primarily based on grades and test scores are often not as relevant as those that are based on accomplishments that were specific to the job role.Skills and Qualifications. This section will cover both general skills and qualifications that are directly related to the role. In some cases, a strong knowledge of the area will be required but in other cases the appropriate work experience and other skills may be necessary.References. When you go through the process of finding the right job, you want to be able to provide references to your hiring manager. Make sure that you write up a comprehensive job history that lists every responsibility and task you have completed.Statements and Activities. You must also be able to tell how you can help the company achieve the objectives for which they are looking for.Special and Exceptional Qualities. Some of the areas that may be helpful to a company to hire a distribution center area manager positions include self-motivation, problem solving, an excellent working relationship with co-workers, hard work, and being organized. When you begin writing your resume, you will find that the more information you include the easier it will be to write and understand.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Reconnect With Your Network During the Holidays

Reconnect With Your Network During the Holidays Sometimes reconnecting with someone you havent talked to in awhile can be awkward. And if you only reach out to your network when you need something, your intentions may be questioned.It is important to stay connected to your network throughout the year, but if you have let some of your relationships slide, the holidays provide a natural touchpoint for reconnecting and  the holidays are a great time to network.  Sending holiday cards is an easy way to reenergize your networking efforts in an authentic and giving way. The card serves as a natural check-in and opportunity to say Its been a long timewould love to get together after the holidays. The card lets people know you are thinking of them and sets the stage for a reunion in the weeks to come. Once you have re-opened the doors to the relationship and again solidified the trust, the next step may be to enlist your contacts help in your job search. Once the relationship is back on track, you can comfortably ask for information or le ads on contacts that might be helpful to you in your search. Here are a few great resources for reaching out and touching someone with a holiday greeting.Send Out Cards  allows you to choose a paper card, write out your message, and mail right from your computer. The team at Send Out Cards takes care of the transcribing, envelope stuffing, and postage for less than the cost of purchasing a greeting card in a store. Its a no-hassle way to create a personal and memorable card.Plaxo e-Cards  lets you send unlimited e-cards for a nominal annual fee. This service makes it easy to quickly pull up emails from your Plaxo address book and send unique cards to members of your network.Free e-Cards as well as paid cards are available through  American Greetings,  Blue Mountain,  e-Greetings, and  Free e-cards.  Shutterfuly  is a great service if you want to create a more personalized card by adding a picture.High-tech, low-tech, or no-techthe delivery method is up to you. The important thing is to reconnect with your network now, during this natural time to reach out to friends and family. The investments in time and money are small and the payoff may far exceed your expectations.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Interview Warning Signs -

Interview Warning Signs - When a company is hiring, an applicant should assume that  they (the company) are on their best behavior during the process.   So, if arrangements are disorganized, interviewers seem unfriendly, people around the office seem unhappy or disgruntled, someone makes a snide remark about the boss or HR is unclear about the positions duties consider yourself forewarned. In Watch for Interview Warning Signs, Liz Ryan echos this sentiment for BusinessWeek. So often, job seekers, maybe desperate for a new opportunity (or any opportunity) or dazzled by a high salary, close their eyes to all of the red flags raised during the process.   DONT DO IT!   If you arent treated well and with respect during the interview and negotiations, assume things will only get worse once you are on the payroll. You can almost guarantee that the red flags you noticed but ignored during the process will come into play as an employee.   Unfortunately, the reverse guarantee isnt true.   If everything smells like roses and proverbial harps play before you are hired, it is no guarantee that youve landed at Utopia, Inc.   Remember, everyone is on their best behavior! Keppie Careers can help you land a new job!   Need help with your resume?   Practice interviewing?Â